
Showing posts from February, 2023

Office Hours!

 Hello Delegates! Our dais will be hosting office hours on Monday & Tuesday of this upcoming week! They are optional to attend, but if you would like, you can receive feedback on position papers during this time or in general ask for advice/support on how to best prepare for conference.  The sign up link is here: Please email us if you have any questions! 

Topic B Discussion: Refugees and the Vietnam War

  Hi delegates! I hope your preparation for BMUN 71 is going well! This post will focus on further discussion of Topic B: T he Vietnam War. One aspect of the topic that would be very interesting to look into is the refugee crisis that followed the Vietnam War, which this article from History provides a basic overview of. From the fall of Saigon in 1975 until 1995, more than 3 million people fled as refugees from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, escaping violence and persecution. They mostly sought refuge in other nations in the region as well as the United States, in which there is a sizable population of Southeast Asian refugees and their descendants today. The human toll of this crisis is immeasurable. It is estimated that between 25,000 to 50,000 refugees died while attempting to leave by sea, as they were often trapped on boats for days without food or water. Many refugees found themselves unwelcome and under-resourced, as there was not a sufficient protocol for nations to accept and

Procedure guide + Committee flow

  Hi Delegates! I wanted to check in with you to provide some more insight to how our committee is going to work at BMUN 71. 23rd will be using Standard BMUN Procedure .  Our committee will begin by opening a running Speaker’s List (standard speaking time is 1 minute, 30 seconds) and those speeches will be followed by 2 30-second comments by other delegates. This is the default timing for the Speaker’s List and can be amended if agreed upon by the committee. The Speaker’s List can also be interrupted by Moderated Caucuses and Informal Caucuses that give delegates the opportunity to exchange opinions on policy, solutions, and more specific aspects of the topics at hand. In our committee, our dais plans on leaving the flow of committee up to you delegates, so we suggest you come prepared with specific subtopics and policies you hope to discuss! During Informal Caucus time, delegates are expected to draft and write Resolutions which will then be presented to the committee during a Formal

SMART Resolutions

 Hello delegates, Just wanted to give some pointers and suggestions for your upcoming resolutions that you will all be drafting during committee. At BMUN, we recommend you follow and keep the acronym "SMART" in your minds when writing your resolutions. Writing entire resolutions from scratch may seem daunting, but SMART will help guide you. SMART stands for: Specific: (Who, what, where, when, why?) Measurable: (How) Actionable: (Specific steps, whether or not this resolution is feasible within the scope of your nations or the jurisdiction of the committee) Relevant: (What aspect of the issue does this solve) Time-bound: (When will it be achieved) An example of a SMART resolution clause would be:  "Endorses the rebuilding of the public infrastructure and economies of war-torn countries Syria and Yemen by creating a foreign aid fund of $50 billion, contributed to by the members of UNIDO (UN Industrial Development Organization), aimed towards funding building resource

Position Paper Tips

  Hi delegates! Just wanted to check in and offer a bit more guidance on your position papers. As a reminder, 23rd will be using standard Position Paper format. Besides the general format, we wanted to offer some tips on the research process and the formation of your paper.  Research The biggest favor you can do for yourself in the writing process is to really apply time and effort into understanding the topics beforehand. Luckily, your generous dias has written to key to beginning this process: your synopsis! Not only do we recommend reading this synopsis, but we hope that you will interact with it. Ask questions, make connections, reflect on what you learned. Familiarizing yourself with the synopsis is the key to a smooth research experience.  After reading the synopsis, don’t stop there! This piece is just a stepping stone for the research we hope you will complete. Maybe read some additional case studies, look at some current events relating to your topic… ultimately, the sign of