SMART Resolutions

 Hello delegates,

Just wanted to give some pointers and suggestions for your upcoming resolutions that you will all be drafting during committee.

At BMUN, we recommend you follow and keep the acronym "SMART" in your minds when writing your resolutions. Writing entire resolutions from scratch may seem daunting, but SMART will help guide you.

SMART stands for:

Specific: (Who, what, where, when, why?)

Measurable: (How)

Actionable: (Specific steps, whether or not this resolution is feasible within the scope of your nations or the jurisdiction of the committee)

Relevant: (What aspect of the issue does this solve)

Time-bound: (When will it be achieved)

An example of a SMART resolution clause would be: 

"Endorses the rebuilding of the public infrastructure and economies of war-torn countries Syria and Yemen by creating a foreign aid fund of $50 billion, contributed to by the members of UNIDO (UN Industrial Development Organization), aimed towards funding building resources and education of public service workers, at the start of the next fiscal year."

Notice how this clause describes an actionable item (rebuilding of public infrastructure and economies of Syria and Yemen) in a specific manner by also describing the parties responsible for carrying out such policy. The clause also clearly states its relevance, as "aimed towards funding building resources and education of public service workers" and is also specific ("at the start of the next fiscal year").

Please note that you do not need to follow this exact format when writing your resolutions, but this brief example can serve as a helpful guide if you are lost while writing your resolution.

I hope you all find this helpful. If you have any questions regarding writing resolutions, please feel free to reach out whenever!

Until next time,

Eric Pan


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